It’s time to make your scratch off reward cards for your class room. Did you remember all the supplies? You will need:
Clear tape
Dish soap
If you are short on time and looking for a much easier way to make scratch off cards for your students, we can help. I offer scratch off stickers on a peel and stick adhesive that are ready to be applied to your printed scratch off card. Choose from our free scratch off templates– ready to add in your prize and print.
You won’t have to worry if the paint is too thick, too thin, not dry, won’t scratch, or if there is a bleed. With our scratch off stickers, you peel the sticker from the adhesive liner and apply over your printed promotion.
You can use classroom incentives as a reward for your students. Here are a few ideas you can use to personalize your student reward scratch off cards:
Sit by a friend
Lunch with teacher
Hat day
Extra recess
Bring a toy
Extra Credit
Chat break time for the class
Free class time
Use special supplier
Board Game time
Special craft time
Leader of the day
Listen to music
Extra reading time